20 November 2012

DIRECTV, iPad Mini, and Announcements

I love people in the customer service industry.  Allow me to recount a few of my more recent experiences.

The Quest
Lindsey wanted a tablet for her birthday.  Actually, she wanted something to read books after we went on vacation to the beach.  Her sister was using a Kindle and Lindsey thought it was cool.  I talked her into getting a tablet. 

I figured that for what she uses her laptop for, a nice tablet would probably be a good option, especially since her laptop is getting old and could explode at any moment.  I had her do the research and make a decision.  At first she wanted the Nook HD+, mainly due to price.

I called Barnes & Noble and the guy told me they were on a waiting list for them.  He was definitely implying over the phone that for a small fee, he could ensure that I would get one of the next ones to come in.  Yeah, I am going to bribe some dickbag for a tablet.

I convinced Lindsey that an iPad Mini would be the better option.  She thought so as well.  So I began searching for mythical Mini.  I went to Best Buy after work one day and meandered around the tablet section for about half of an hour until someone finally came up to me.  The guy informed that they were sold out, but that they get shipments all the time and I should check back later in the week.

I went back a few days later and instead of waiting for someone to talk to me, I sought someone out.  The guy I asked was clueless and had to go find some girl.  She said that they were sold out, but then another guy says that maybe they have one in the back.  He goes back to check, but comes out empty handed.  He asks me if I want to play with the demo model.  This does not make me happy, I responded with "can I take it home and give it to my girlfriend?"  He says "uhhhh, no."  I then smartly respond "well then no, that does not help me."  He tries to be cool and reply with "oh hey man, they are like the iPhone 5, they sell out as soon as a shipment arrives, you cannot get one anywhere."

Needless to say, I was a bit pissed.  I left the Best Buy and went over to Wal-Mart to buy Lindsey a card (and write a note that says "sorry I suck").  I walked back to the electronics section just for shits and giggles and what do I find?  They have the Mini on display.  I ask the lady if they have one in stock and she says "why would we have it on display and a sign for it if we did not have one?"  I immediately took it and Lindsey was quite happy.

The Switch
Recently, we decided to switch from Comcast to DIRECTV.  The main reason was because we were sick of paying $200 per month for cable and internet.  We were going to wait until we move (we are planning to move in a few months), but figured we could start enjoying those savings now.

I scheduled the installation for Monday between 8:00-12:00 (just like Comcast, a nice precise appointment time).  I had to be at work at 2:30 and figured I could be a little late if needed, but the email said it would take 1-2 hours.

The guy gets there at 12:15 and by 2:30, he is still setting it up in the living room.  I ask him how much longer and he says that he has about an hour and a half to go.  I inform him that I need to head to work.  He says "oh, well then I can have it done in 15 minutes."

How the hell does that happen?  He was done with everything at 2:45.  Granted, he did not replace the ceiling tiles or clean anything up, but that only took me like ten minutes.  What did he need another hour for?  Ugh, I hate that shit.

Big News
I like to hide big announcements at the bottom of a post (I have no idea if this is true).  Remember back in January when I made the decision?  Well one of the motivating factors for that decision was the opportunity to be promoted.

Well I would like to say that the moment has come.  I have been offered a promotion and I have accepted.  I start at my new location at the end of December.  I am excited and nervous about the entire thing.  I am ready for the job, but I am nervous about what I am getting into.  There will be tons of long hours and plenty of hard work, so if I disappear from here at times, you can at least guess the reason.